Breathwork for Adults

New 5-week course commencing February 27th from 6.30-8.00pm

  • Do you often feel breathless?
  • Do you have asthma?
  • Are you often tired in the day but then have difficulty sleeping at night?
  • Do you breathe quickly and audibly?
  • Do you feel often feel anxious and find it hard to relax?
  • Do have a tendency to breathe through your mouth?
  • Do you feel you lack stamina?
  • Do you have an intuition that you aren’t getting enough oxygen to your body and brain?

If you answered yes to more than one of the above questions a short course in Breathwork re-education based on the Buteyko method is likely to be of benefit.  Please feel free to contact me about joining a small group or a 1-1 programme of sessions.

More about Buteyko

Buteyko is a method of gentle breathing exercises designed to improve your body’s ability to utilise oxygen and to create a sense of ease when breathing.  It addresses the widespread problems of mouth-breathing, over-breathing and dysfunctional breathing in general.  In Buteyko we regard asthma and related conditions as symptoms of wider functional breathing problems.  A course in Buteyko comprises an initial induction of 1 ½ hours.  After that, should you choose, you undertake a course of 5 weekly 1-hour sessions.  This is usually enough to break old habits and initiate healthy new ones.  Longer-term occasional follow up sessions are recommended and available.

You can learn more about the Buteyko method from

How I Work

I often work in small groups of 2, 3 or 4.  Small groups are motivating, supportive, and clients welcome not always being the focus of attention.

I also work successfully on a 1-1 basis with clients.

Because the breath is a subtle and deeply personal expression of health and wellbeing, I have found that I need to be physically present for the initial session to observe and respond most effectively.  After this it is possible to work successfully online over ZOOM.

"Bernard is an excellent teacher, providing clear explanations of techniques . . . about the Buteyko method. The sessions are well balanced and adaptive . . . the homework each week helps to motivate and enables one to practice improved breathwork habits. The relaxation exercises are a real bonus. I highly recommend Bernard’s course."

Anna Douglas – Hornsey