Prices and Contact

New Adult course starting 27th February 2024


Buteyko Group Work (2-4 in a group)

Commit to a 5 session course of 1 ½ hour sessions.  This course costs £150, payable in advance after the free discovery call.

See above for the times when groups are scheduled.  Groups start if sufficient numbers have expressed interest for the start date.

Buteyko Individual Work

Commit to a block of 5  1-hour sessions.  This block costs £350, payable in advance.  Initial session needs to be face-to-face, after which we can agree on a blend of face-to-face and Zoom, if you wish.  Times for sessions can be negotiated.

Buteyko Children’s Groups (2-4 children, aged between 8 – 14)

£100 for a block of five 1-hour sessions  Children need to be accompanied by at least one parent or guardian.  Children’s sessions are scheduled for Tuesdays at 4.00pm, and commence at the dates posted above.

Oxygen Advantage breathwork course

3 x 1 hr individual sessions – £225

I am based in Lancaster Road, Stroud Green, N4. You can contact me at:


Let's get in touch